PurposefulFamilyWealth.com is the marketing website for Purposeful Strategic Partners, a registered advisory firm.
*Ranked #1 advisor on Investopedia Advisor Insights November 2018 to July 2019 when Investopedia discontinued Advisor Insights. Investopedia Advisor Insights ranking based upon the helpfulness of answers to questions posted on the Investopedia website as voted by Investopedia’s audience. Ranking does not consider investment returns, client satisfaction, or other factors. Registration as an investment advisor refers to legal licensing of the advisor and does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Information presented on this website, in our blog, and in the Advisor Answers column is for informational purposes only. None of the information or articles are intended to be investment, tax, nor legal advice. To get personalized advice on your own situation, schedule a meeting with us, talk to your CPA, or contact an attorney. Do not attempt to apply this information to your personal situation without consulting with a qualified adviser. Joshua Escalante Troesh (“Purposeful Strategic Partners”) is a registered investment adviser offering advisory services in the State of California and in other jurisdictions where exempted. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. The presence of this website on the Internet shall not be directly or indirectly interpreted as a solicitation of investment advisory services to persons of another jurisdiction unless otherwise permitted by statute. Follow-up or individualized responses to consumers in a particular state by Purposeful Strategic Partners in the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation shall not be made without our first complying with jurisdiction requirements or pursuant an applicable state exemption. TD Ameritrade and Charles Schwab act as third party custodians for Purposeful Strategic Partners. Client assets are held at either of these institutions for the protection of clients. For individual and family accounts, assets are held at TD Ameritrade or TD Ameritrade. For 401(k) or other employer retirement plan accounts, assets are held at Matrix/Broadridge through a sub-custody relationship with AdvisorTrust. All written content on this site is for information purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of Purposeful Strategic Partners, unless otherwise specifically cited. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources and no representations are made by our firm as to another parties’ informational accuracy or completeness. All information or ideas provided should be discussed in detail with an investment advisor, accountant, or legal counsel prior to implementation.
5428 Vinmar Avenue
Alta Loma, CA 91701
United States